During October 2024, Simão Zacarias attended the Responsible Seafood Summit in St Andrews – Scotland and presented on “The Paths to Viable Alternatives to Shrimp Eyestalk Ablation”
Dr Richard Newton participated in the “International Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference - Ways to a Circular Economy” in September 2024 in Madrid, Spain, representing the SAFE project.
Dr Alexander Kaminski answers questions about his recent publication “Growing smaller fish for inclusive markets? Increasing stocking density and shortening the production cycle of Nile tilapia in cages on Lake Victoria”
Richard Newton, Wesley Malcorps, Bjorn Kok and David Little recently worked with colleagues from the Universities of Cambridge, Lancaster and Aberdeen to look at how micronutrients in feed fish could be most efficiently utilised for human nutrition.
Professor Dave Little was recently featured on the University of Stirling news pages for his contribution to a new paper entitled “Aquaculture governance: five engagement arenas for sustainability transformation”
Stuart Bunting shares some key findings from a recent open-access paper entitled ‘Evaluating the potential of innovations across aquaculture product value chains for poverty alleviation in Bangladesh and India’
ThinkAqua recently coordinated a review of global aquaculture on behalf of the Sustainable Aquaculture Working Group of the Blue Food Partnership, World Economic Forum.
Danielle Maitland has created an extensive database of information about aquaponic systems, which she is sharing with the aquaponics community for further development.
Jules Wehry reports on the findings of his MSc project on the potential for using insect larvae fed on distillery by-products as a substitute for fishmeal in Atlantic salmon feed.