During October 2024, Simão Zacarias attended the Responsible Seafood Summit in St Andrews – Scotland and presented on “The Paths to Viable Alternatives to Shrimp Eyestalk Ablation”
Dr Richard Newton participated in the “International Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference - Ways to a Circular Economy” in September 2024 in Madrid, Spain, representing the SAFE project.
Francis Murray, Dimitar Taskov and John Bostock hosted a meeting of Workpackage 3 of the EU Horizon 2020 PrimeFish project in Stirling at the end of November 2016.
Lynne Falconer presented the EU H2020 TAPAS project (Coordinated by the University of Stirling) and John Bostock presented the EU H2020 PrimeFish project (Coordinated by MATIS) at a special EC DG-Research workshop on Aquaculture & Food Security held in Edinburgh on 20th September 2016.
Francis Murray presented within a special session on the EU Horizon 2020 PrimeFish project at the 2016 conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET) held in Aberdeen, UK 12-15 July 2016.
Francis Murray, John Bostock and Dimitar Taskov recently participated in the Workpackage 2 meeting for the PrimeFish project which was held near to Malpensa, north of Milan in Italy.