New research on more efficient use of by-products in the Scottish salmon farming industry

The Scottish salmon farming industry could generate an additional £23.7 million a year if it used its salmon by-products more judiciously.

  • New research, which has found that the total by-product value output could be improved by 803 percent (£23.7 million), based on 2015 figures, adding 5.5 percent to the value of the country's salmon industry.

Led by Richard  Newton and  Julien Stevens, researchers from the University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture and University of Massachusetts have recently published research funded by IFFO, the marine ingredients organisation. The research investigated how value could be added to aquaculture through better utilisation of by-products, by maximising edible yields and better separation at the processing stage, looking at the Scottish salmon farming industry as a case study.
