Sustainable Aquaculture @ Stirling

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Meetings in Hanoi

On 10th March 2023, Dave Little and John Bostock visited the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Hanoi, Vietnam, to discuss aquatic animal welfare and to introduce the activities of the “Improving Farmed Fish Welfare in Asia” project,

David Little speaking at the meeting at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

The meeting was attended by the Director General of the Directorate of Fisheries, The Director of the Department of Aquaculture and several other senior staff involved with aquaculture policy and fisheries regulations. There were also representatives present from the Ministry’s Fisheries and Technical Economic College, the Vietnam Institute of Fisheries Economics and Planning, The Vietnam Fisheries Society, Research Institute for Aquaculture No. 1 and the Vietnam Society of Gardeners.

During the session Dave Little gave the following presentation on the increasing importance place on animal welfare by consumers and regulators in the European Union and expected developments with respect to regulations, including on imports which could affect Vietnam as a major seafood supplier to the EU. A pro-active approach was recommended so that Vietnam is able to develop its own expertise and programme to address these issues ahead of regulatory changes in Europe.

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This generated a lively debate on core questions of welfare including aquatic animal sentience and capacity for experiencing pain and suffering as well as the contexts in which welfare might be compromised in current aquaculture value chains.

John Bostock presented an update on the “Improving Farmed Fish Welfare in Asia” project, particularly the call for research proposals that was open for applications. The aim of helping establish national initiatives and competence in this area was particularly stressed.

Following an excellent lunch, the programme moved to Research Institute for Aquaculture No. 1 (RIA1) for a visit to the facilities there and a meeting with the Director, the senior management team and other researchers, as well as relevant staff from the National University of Agriculture. The Welfare Project was again highlighted and discussions held concerning potential projects that could be submitted by RIA1 and partners.

Part of the pond complex at RIA1

Our thanks to colleagues in MARD, RIA1 and VINAFIS for arranging the programme and for their warm and generous hospitality.